According to Ayurveda, the presence of disease in our system indicates an imbalance in our ‘doshas’. Bringing our system back into balance is the key to the cure. Ayurveda has an effective tool for the diagnosis of disease called ‘nadi pareeksha’ or pulse diagnosis. This is done by an Ayurvedic doctor who checks the individual’s pulse on his/her wrist and…
Read morePhysiotherapy is a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialty that, by using mechanical force and movements, remediate impairments and promotes mobility, function, and quality of life through examination, diagnosis, prognosis, and physical intervention. Physiotherapy treatments are given on the advice of chief physicians.
Read moreAyurvedic Counselling offers a holistic approach towards transforming your life, on all levels. Moving deeper than just the story, we open the doors to greater consciousness, working with awareness and intuition to shift and release old patterns, creating balance, health and happiness in the entire being. Sometimes we have emotions that we have trouble expressing, unhealthy patterns that we hold…
Read moreMeditation is a healing practice that allows us to experience inner calm and deep relaxation. For thousands of years, people have used meditation to move beyond the mind's busy activity and emotional turbulence into profound peace and expanded awareness. Meditation isn't about forcing your mind to be quiet, but about experiencing the quiet that is already there. Even when your…
Read moreYoga and Ayurveda are two interrelated branches of the same great tree of Vedic knowledge of human life and the entire universe. It is important to understand the respective roles of Ayurveda and Yoga in the Vedic system. Yoga and Ayurveda are not merely two separate but related healing disciplines. Each has its unique place and function, Srivedamaayu understands the…
Read moreDelayed milestones & growth related disease occurs in development delay when an infant does not reach a milestone at an expected time is often first sign in most children and automatic change like excessively stiff or loss limbs. Example of milestones: Reaching for toys at 3 or 4 months. Rolling onto the back around 4 months. Sitting without assistance at…
Read moreDegenerative diseases is the result of continuous process based on degenerative cell change affecting the tissues and organ which will be increasingly deteriorate by the time. Degenerative diseases are often contrasted with infectious diseases. Ayurvedic treatments for Degenerative Diseases : Basti - Basti karma concentrates on the elimination of the loosened vata dosha out through the rectum. The treatment involves…
Read moreKnee pain can have many causes. The knees are large joints with subject to heavy loads to the joint’s bone and cartilage and part of membranes, menisci, ligaments and viscous bags. Around the knee joint, there are many tendons and muscles. All these structures can give rise to pain in knee. Ayurvedic treatments for knee joint pain : Janu Basti…
Read moreAyurveda terms arthritis as amavata. Ama is the undigested by-product of the impaired digestion (for which modern chemistry has no correlate) and vata is one of three doshas or body humors. It is not easy to live everyday life with pains. If you are suffering from Joint pains, morning stiffness, swelling in joints, then we are here to help you.…
Read moreIn Ayurveda warts are called Charmakeela. Charma means skin and Keela refers to growth or eruption. Warts are small growth on the skin surface that can appear on a parson’s hands, feet, face and other body parts. Although not harmful in themselves, warts and corns can affect the physical appearance of a person and spread to other regions of the…
Read moreUrinary tract diseases occurs when the bacteria enter and multiply in the urinary tract. The urinary tract consists of Kidneys, Uterus, Bladder and Urethra. Women are more prone to this infection. With proper ayurvedic treatments and medication at Srivedamaayu these diseases can be treated easily and effectively. Ayurvedic treatments for Urinary tract diseases : Oral Ayurvedic medicines Diet counselling…
Read moreParkinson’s disease or Parkinsonism is one such disease which disturbs your activities of daily living by limiting your movements or altering your movements in a way which you would not have preferred to have. Parkinsonism is a clinical syndrome characterized by tremor, rigidity, and postural instability. Parkinsonism is a symptom complex, and differs from Parkinson's disease which is a progressive…
Read moreStress is the reaction a person gives to any stressor outside his body. The stress initiating agent may be environmental, emotional, or social factor. In other words, it is the body’s reaction to any unpleasant event around it which strongly affects. The body may react through a physical or an emotional reaction. Anxiety is a condition where the person’s inner…
Read moreWhen the mind withdraws from its activities, then the individual sleeps. Proper sleep causes happiness, nourishment, strength, potency, knowledge and life. Improper sleep brings misery, emaciation, weakness, sterility, ignorance, and death. Ayurveda also treats sleep disorders in its own way. Ayurvedic treatments for sleeping disorders: Shirolepa - Shiorolepa is a specific technique through which herbal pastes are applied over the…
Read moreNowadays hormonal problems are increasing quite excessively. These problems include- Imbalance of Thyroid, improper behaviour of the sex hormones or this might be a problem with the pituitary. Hormones generally have two types of problems; When body is producing excess of hormones- these are the hyper conditions, when gland start out flowing excess of the hormones and body accumulates too…
Read moreMost of the females suffer from Menstrual disorders. Several ladies get so much disappointed that they consider this disease as incurable and a part of their life. The main symptoms of this disease are as follows: Menstrual period not at proper time Menstrual period stopped or accompanied with pain Increased or decreased quantity of blood Backache during the days of…
Read moreInfertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a person to contribute to conception. In women, it may also refer to the state when she is not able to carry a pregnancy to its full term. According to Ayurveda, Reproductive health, in both men and women, depends on the health of the reproductive tissue or shukra dhatu. Ayurvedic treatments for…
Read moreAutism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affects the brain's normal development of social and communication skills. People with autism may: Be overly sensitive in sight, hearing, touch, smell, or taste Have unusual distress when routines are changed Perform repeated body movements Show unusual attachments to objects Ayurvedic treatments for Austism :…
Read moreSwarna Bindu Prashana is an Ayurvedic technique to improve immunity in children. It is a method of administering gold calx (Swarna Bhasma) in very minute quantities to improve immunity, strength, memory and intelligence in children. The original reference for this technique is mentioned in Kashyapa Samhita. The purpose of Suvarna-Prashan is same as of modern vaccination to prevent diseases by…
Read moreIn Ayurveda Physiological disorder is also called as “MANOVIKARA”. Ayurveda seeks to remove the root causes of mental illness in a holistic way. Its focus is on prevention through correct diet, exercise, meditation and cultivation of the right attitude. It offers a complex array of therapeutic techniques and natural medicines to restore balance and harmony. Ayurvedic treatments for Physiological disorders…
Read moreIt is common to get a dull or sharp pain over the lower back, and yes, most for people who are always on the run. A burning, stiffness, numbness or tingling with the pain shooting down the buttocks and the legs is seen at some time in our lives. Our experts are the best to approach. We at Srivedamaayu always…
Read moreParalysis means loss of muscular power due to interference with the nervous system. When the muscular power gets weak due to some problem in the nervous system, the term applied is paralysis. The loss of muscles movement such as hand muscles, leg muscles, facial muscles, etc. leads to paralysis in that particular region. We are the most sought Multi Speciality…
Read moreIn today's stressful modern living, incidence of Diabetes is definitely increasing. Every now and then we come across patients of Diabetes seeking Ayurvedic treatment and advice. According to Ayurveda There are 20 forms of Diabetes (Prameha): 4 are due to Vata, 6 result from Pitta, and 10 are caused by Kapha. But Diabetes (Prameha) is mainly kapha doshaja disease. All…
Read moreObesity is a condition in which abnormal or excessive body fat has accumulated in the body which can lead to a negative effect on health. This is not just a cosmetic consideration, it is a chronic disease that can lead to other chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory diseases, joint disease, liver diseases, high cholesterol.…
Read moreA non-infectious yet inflammatory skin disease that affects the life cycle of skin cells, Psoriasis causes visible erythematous plaques on the skin, covered with crusty silver scales. Psoriasis occurs due to excessive cell division in the basal layer of the skin, thus resulting in increased epidermal proliferation. Main symptoms of psoriasis include widespread red patches, severe itching, and severe pain.…
Read moreAccording to Ayurveda, the skin has six layers, located not only superficially but extending to the deeper levels of the body. A skin disease is, mostly, rooted deeply into various dhatus or tissues like fat, muscles, blood etc. Most skin treatments are generally external applications like creams or oils. These, however, never reach the deeper layers of the skin. As…
Read moreSciatica is a generally a pain originating from the sciatic nerve. Sciatica is a symptom of a disorder that causes mild to sharp and sometimes excruciating pain. Patients have described sciatic pain as mildly disturbing to burning, aching, deep, and similar to a sudden bolt of lightning. Sciatic nerve pain travels from the buttock, down the back of the thigh,…
Read moreThe backbone is a very complex structure consisting of vertebrae, intervertebral discs, joint compounds, ligaments and ligaments, muscle groups, muscle membrane or fascia, spinal cord and nerves. Some would call it lockouts of the spine or other parts of the skeleton. These malfunctions are often the cause of the patient’s problems near neck and back and will create a local…
Read moreWheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound produced when one breathes through narrowed or obstructed respiratory airways. Breathing seems difficult, and sometimes there is a feeling of tightness in the chest. Wheezing may occur due to many reasons, and it may be an indication of any internal disorder related to heart or lungs. Asthma wheezing in particular is related to the…
Read moreFrom the Ayurvedic perspective, the root cause of bad breath is poor digestion and/or poor oral hygiene. The two are usually related, in that poor digestion accelerates oral activity that leads to unsavoury breath. The good news is that there are some easy fixes that do not involve just masking bad breath. When it originates in the mouth, bad breath…
Read moreEvery woman would like to have glowing skin. Especially, face is given more emphasis as compared to other parts of our body. Even the healthiest and glowing skin in, an individual has the benefit of boosting confidence. People are getting wrinkles and dark spots at a very early age. Young looking skin is very interesting for women with the help…
Read moreSinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. Healthy sinuses are filled with air. But when they become blocked and filled with fluid, germs can grow and cause an infection. Acute sinusitis usually starts with cold like symptoms such as a runny, stuffy nose and facial pain. It may start suddenly and last 2-4 weeks. Children…
Read moreA headache is a symptom rather than a disease and may be caused by high blood pressure, insomnia, weak eyesight, sinusitis, hunger, anemia, listening to loud music, studying in improper light, emotional strain, overwork, constipation, and flatulence. In Ayurveda, headache is known as shirehshool. Headache may be accompanied with watering of the eyes, bleeding from the nose or giddiness depending…
Read moreHair loss is a condition that slowly progress over time. Sometime person may not notice the hair falling out. This condition may be due to stress factor, using harsh chemicals on hair, poor diet, or some times on thyroid dis-functioning. Ayurvedic treatments for Hair Fall and Dandruff : Oral medication Use of ayurvedic hair oil and shampoo Shirodhara - Shirodhara…
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